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Top 100 NDA Antonyms and Synonyms 2020 exams for students that helps you to crack in exams

 Here are the top 100+ antonyms and synonyms for the NDA aspirants who want to crack the exams and that could really help you in the 2020 exams so be ready and be prepared for the exams NDA. 

Prudence (noun)
Meaning: the quality of being prudent; cautiousness
Synonyms: wisdom, judgment
Antonyms: folly, recklessness

Petulant (adjective)
Meaning: easily angered or annoyed, esp. in a rude way
Synonyms: impatient, fractious
Antonyms: agreeable, patient

Complaisant (adjective)
Meaning: willing to satisfy others by being polite and fitting in with their plans
Synonyms: amiable, polite
Antonyms: discontented, antagonistic

Relent (verb)
Meaning: to cease resistance (as to another’s arguments, demands, or control)
Synonyms: concede, give in
Antonyms: combat, confront

Pogrom (noun)
Meaning: massacre, mass murder.
Synonyms: holocaust, slaughter
Antonyms: relief, rescue

Amicable (adjective)
Meaning: characterized by friendliness and absence of discord
Synonyms: cordial, civil
Antonyms: unfriendly, hostile

Purloin (verb)
Meaning: steal (something)
Synonyms: loot, pilfer
Antonyms: bestow, contribute

Transient (adjective)
Meaning: lasting for only a short time; temporary
Synonyms: temporary, short-lived
Antonyms: permanent, forever

Invigorate (verb)
Meaning: to give new energy or strength to someone or something
Synonyms: boost, stimulate
Antonyms: discourage, dissuade

Egalitarian (noun)
Meaning: one who advocates or practices social equality
Synonyms: democrat, leveler
Antonyms: snob, snoot
Top 5 Sets of English Antonyms & Synonyms words for NDA Written Examination here — SET 1, SET 2, and SET 3

Purloin (verb)
Meaning: steal (something)
Synonyms: loot, pilfer
Antonyms: bestow, contribute

Reprobate (noun)
Meaning: an unprincipled person
Synonyms: rogue, scoundrel
Antonyms: upright, virtuous

Adjective: showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others
Synonyms: heartless, uncaring

Abominate (verb)
Meaning: to hate something very much
Synonyms: abhor, despise
Antonyms: admire, approve

Scalding (adjective)
Meaning: If a liquid is scalding, it is extremely hot
Synonyms: blazing, blistering
Antonyms: cold, cool

Breviary (noun)
Meaning: a short statement of the main points
Synonyms: summary, conspectus, encapsulation, outline
Antonyms: enlargement, expansion

Stodgy (adjective)
Meaning: Dull and uninspired; lacking originality or excitement
Synonyms: uninteresting, dreary
Antonyms: exciting, creative

Pummel (verb)
Meaning: to defeat someone easily at a sport
Synonyms: bash, batter
Antonyms: compliment, fail

Dilatory (adjective)
Meaning: slow to act
Synonyms: sluggish, slothful
Antonyms: fast, prompt

Verb: the expression of disapproval or disappointment

Adjective: slightly strange
Synonyms: uncommon, abnormal

Verb: wear away by friction or erosion

Verb: be greater in number, influence, or importance

Verb: reject in an abrupt or ungracious manner
Synonyms: reject, turn down

Adjective: acting with or showing care and thought for the future

Noun: a person's ability to cope well with difficulties

Adjective: without any money, food or a home

Noun: a hard hit, usually with the hand

Noun: the preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience
Synonyms: preconceived idea, preconception

Adjective: cultured, refined, and well mannered

Verb: harass someone persistently for or to do something

Exhort (verb)
Meaning: Strongly encourage or urge to do something
Synonym: enjoin, adjure
Antonym: discourage

Vacillate (verb)
Meaning: Waiver between different opinions or actions
Synonyms: temporize, hesitate
Antonyms: resolute

Verb: make someone bound to do something

Abominate (adjective)
Meaning: to hate something very much
Synonyms: abhor, despise
Antonyms: love, like

Adjective: an action considered wrong or immoral
Synonyms: blatant, glaring

Adjective: free or safe from injury or violation
Synonyms: undamaged, unhurt

Noun: a very great number or amount of something

Noun: the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings

Noun: the period when somebody/something was most powerful, successful, rich, etc.

Adjective: difficult to please

Warp And Woof
Noun: foundation or base of something

Posterity -
Noun: all future generations of people
Synonyms: future generations, succeeding generations

Alacrity -
Noun: brisk and cheerful readiness
Synonyms: eagerness, willingness

Luculent -
Adjective: clearly expressed

Inextricably -
Adverb: in a way that is impossible to disentangle or separate

Adjective: contrary to common-sense expectation

Onslaught -
Noun: a very powerful attack

Fidelity -
Noun: faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief
Synonyms: loyalty, allegiance

Noun: a gradual increase in loudness

Recalcitrant -
Adjective: refusing to follow instructions or rules; not easy to control

Treason -
Noun: the criminal act of causing harm to your country

Frugal -
Adjective: simple and plain and costing little
Synonyms: meager, scanty

Arduous -
Adjective: full of difficulties; needing a lot of effort

Abjure -
Verb: to promise that you will give up a way of behaving

Venerate -
Verb: to have and show a lot of respect

Disheveled -
Adjective: very untidy

Verb: use something to maximum advantage

Arduous -
Adjective: full of difficulties; needing a lot of effort

Relish -
Verb: to look forward to something very much

Noun: proof that someone who is thought to have committed a the crime could not have done it

Adjective: pleasant

Obscure -
Adjective: not well known

Confidant -
Noun: a person to whom private matters are discussed

Ajar -
Adjective: slightly open
Synonyms: half-open, agape

Cryptic -
Adjective: mysterious; having a hidden meaning that is not easy to understand

Modish -
Adjective: in the current fashion or stylish

Denigrate -
Verb: to state that something is not good and does not have any value

Fiasco -
Noun: an event that does not succeed

Egregious -
Adjective: outstandingly bad; shocking

Opulence -
Noun: great wealth or luxuriousness

Spellbind -
Verb: hold the complete attention of someone

Intuitive -
Adjective: based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning

Sacrilege -
Noun: treating a religious object or place without the respect that it deserves

Deride -
verb: to laugh at something in a cruel way

Irksome -
Adjective: annoying and irritating

Blithe -
Adjective: happy, satisfied and without worry
Synonyms: heedless, careless

Pejorative -
Adjective: expressing contempt or disapproval
Synonyms: disparaging, derogatory

Rebut -
Verb: claim or prove that evidence or an accusation is false

Sanguine -
Adjective: cheerful, hopeful and confident about the future

Verb: provide support or a firm basis for

Indignant -
Adjective: shocked or angry because somebody has said or done something

Broth -
Noun: a thin soup, often with vegetables or rice in it

Dissemination -
Noun: circulation, distribution; the action of spreading something, especially information

Tenuous -
Adjective: very weak or slight

Coercive -
Adjective: relating to or using force or threats

Onus -
Noun: burden; something that is one's duty or responsibility

Pious -
Adjective: devoutly religious

Roil -
Verb: make someone annoyed or irritated

Blush -
Verb: develop a pink tinge in the face from embarrassment or shame

Inexplicably -
Adverb: in a way that cannot be explained or understood

Defile -
Verb: damage the purity or appearance of

Hitherto -
Adverb: until now

Rebuff -
Verb: reject (someone or something) in an abrupt or ungracious manner

Protracted -
Adjective: prolonged, extended; lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual

Scintillating -
Adjective: sparkling or shining brightly

Adjective: treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor

Predicament (noun):
Meaning: A difficult, unpleasing or embarrassing situation
Synonyms: circumstances, crisis
Antonyms: advantage, benefit

Morbidity (noun):
Meaning: The condition of being diseased or rate of a disease in population
Synonyms: dullness, despair
Antonyms: bright, hopeful

Congenital (adjective):
Meaning: A diseases or abnormalities present from birth
Synonyms: inherited, inbuilt
Antonyms: developed, acquired

Underdog -
Noun: a competitor thought to have little chance of winning a contest


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